Your battery provides the power necessary to your starter motor and spark plugs to start your engine, igniting the fuel and getting everything rolling. When your battery doesn’t hold a charge, you’ll need to replace it. While you can go to an auto parts store and wait in line to get an associate to look up your car and find what batteries they have that fit, at Bravo Chevrolet, we have a better way to do things with our battery replacement services.
Car batteries carry a lot more charge than household batteries, so messing with them can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. When we replace a car battery, we start by having the car turned off and opening the case (if present) to access the battery terminals. These battery terminals can be unbolted and removed, which leaves the battery free of any connections. We then take that old battery out (and will later recycle it properly) and put in the new one, attach the connections and tighten the bolts, then your car battery is ready to go!
Car batteries can last a long time if they’re treated right. This means keeping them inside your car and protected, which most cars already do. When they’re well protected, car batteries can last for about three years, at which point their reliability sharply goes down. While you may get a battery to live past three years, it’s only a matter of time before you start needing jumps to start your car. When that happens, you’re reliant on other people for your car to start, so we prefer to change batteries before your car gets to that point.
Car batteries are a type of rechargeable battery. While you drive, your engine drives an alternator, which provides an electrical charge back to the battery. So when your battery starts dying, it’s because there’s not enough charge inside it, which means that the battery is either leaking charge or can’t hold the charge the alternator gives it. The longer you wait, the less charge the battery can hold, and the less reliable your Chevrolet will start.
Battery replacement is a simple service, but we here at Bravo Chevrolet still give it our highest standards of quality and hard work. Our expert technicians will help you change out your battery so that you can start up on time every time, and we’ll provide the best selection of batteries for your vehicle and the Las Cruces weather. Set up your appointment online today!